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Study to support the Commission impact assessment on Individual Learning Accounts

Study to support the Commission impact assessment on Individual Learning Accounts

The aim of this external study is to support the Commission impact assessment on individual learning accounts. The objectives of the initiative are to support Member State reforms to close gaps in existing support systems so that all adults have access to support for training, and to increase the incentives and motivation of individuals to seek training. It is undertaken in a context of rapidly changing skills requirements and growing skills shortages linked to the digital and green transitions, leading to a political commitment by the EU Heads of State and Government (the Porto Declaration) that at least 60% of all adults should be participating in training every year by 2030.

The study provides an overview of evidence on adult learning participation levels and inequalities in participation across groups of adults, and reviews evidence to underpin the problem definition as well as evidence on existing policy approaches to reach the objectives of the initiative. It develops scenarios to estimate the impacts of alternative policy options, based on a review of evidence on the benefits of adult learning and the costs of support schemes. It also reports on outcomes from the consultations on the initiative.

Catalog N. : KE-09-22-068-EN-N

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