Zaměstnanost, sociální věci a sociální začleňování

Representation of apprentices in vocational education and training - VET

Representation of apprentices in vocational education and training - VET

While high quality apprenticeships are recognized as a successful pathway for young people in the transition from school-to-work, there have been limited opportunities for apprentices to be represented and contribute to policy discussions at European level. In order to improve this representation, the European Apprentice Network (EAN) was established in 2017.

This study:

- maps the apprentice representation across the EU28, Candidate and EFTA countries

- makes recommendations on how to strengthen apprenticeship representation at a national level

- examines how the EAN could further enhance its added value in the relationship between national developments and the European policy debate.

Link to case studies

Link to country factsheets

Catalog N. : KE-01-19-599-EN-N

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