Zaměstnanost, sociální věci a sociální začleňování

The Youth Guarantee: European approach to fight youth unemployment

The Youth Guarantee: European approach to fight youth unemployment

Member States of the European Union made a promise to young people in April 2013. They undertook to ensure that no young person under 25 after leaving education or becoming unemployed is left without support to obtain a job, a traineeship, or an apprenticeship, or to get into continued education. Member States set themselves a 4 month time limit for providing such an offer. This offer should be of good quality to contribute to sustainably improved labour market prospects. Member States’ commitment involves reaching out to the young who are currently outside the labour market and not participating in formal education or training. Ultimately all this aims at tackling youth unemployment and the current huge waste of young people’s potential.

This publication is available only in electronic version in English.

Catalog N. : KE-02-15-604-EN-N

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