Zaměstnanost, sociální věci a sociální začleňování

Social Agenda 41 - The skills imperative

Social Agenda 41 - The skills imperative

Skills and vocational education and training: this is what n°41 of Social Agenda is all about. Tackling employment and social affairs from the skills angle helps connecting the world of education to that of the labour market and tackling the challenges the EU is presently facing in a new, pragmatic way - taking people's concrete needs as a starting point. This issue of Social Agenda will help you follow, and take part in, the making of the EU's future skills strategy which Marianne Thyssen - Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility European Commissioner - will propose in 2016. Social Agenda is available in English, French and German, also in print.

Catalog N. : KE-AF-15-041-EN-N

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