Conseils aux Etats membres

Eurostat provides bilateral advice to EU Member States when requested on specific cases. This may be before or after the transactions themselves are undertaken. The advice takes the form of letters addressed to the National Statistical Authorities.

In certain cases of future events, where the preparation for the events are of a confidential nature, Eurostat does not publish its advice until the events are announced by the national authority concerned.

Please see also the guidelines for  Eurostat’s ex-ante and ex-post advice (clarifications and decisions) on methodological issues.

Advice provided in 2024

Advice provided in 2023

Advice provided in 2022

Advice provided in 2021

Advice provided in 2020

Other advice

Advice provided in 2019

Advice provided in 2018

Advice provided in 2017

Advice provided in 2016

Advice provided in 2015

Advice provided in 2014

Advice provided in 2013

Advice provided in 2012

Advice provided in 2011

Advice provided in 2010

Advice provided in 2009

Advice provided in 2008

Advice provided in 2007

Advice provided in 2006