Zamestnanosť, sociálne záležitosti a začlenenie

Adult learning statistical synthesis report

Adult learning statistical synthesis report

Which type of learning do adults participate in? Who provides this kind of training, and who finances it? This report presents a summary picture of adult learning across the EU with a focus on adult learning participation, providers and financing. It is based on 28 country reports.

The report shows that among adults, non-formal learning is much more common than formal learning. This type of leaning is most frequently provided by employers or non-formal education and training institutions. But there is a whole mosaic of providers of adult education: from commercial institutions to non-profit associations, trade unions, formal education institutions, etc. Most non-formal learning by adults is job-related, and employers tend to be strongly involved in its financing.

Continuous professional development can ensure that individuals thrive on today’s fast-changing labour markets, and life-long learning more generally can contribute to the health of our democracies and societies. Adult learning is therefore vital for Europe to overcome the challenges it is currently facing, and respond to the demand for new skills in a digital and green world.

Catalog N. : KE-03-20-522-EN-N

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