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Gender equality

date:  20/01/2017

Strategic engagement for gender equality 2016-2019


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PROGRESS programme: reports

  • PROGRESS reports

Equal economic independence













Gender pay gap

Magnitude and impact factors of the gender pay gap in EU countries - reportpdf(2 MB)  - country fichespdf(312 kB)


EU factsheet: gender pay gap in the European Unionpdf(190 kB)

български čeština dansk Deutsch eesti keel ελληνικά English español français italiano latviešu valoda lietuvių kalba magyar  hrvatski Malti Nederlands polski português română slovenčina slovenščina suomi svenska

Gender pay gap factsheet - Austria pdf(194 kB) Deutsch

Gender pay gap factsheet - Belgium pdf(190 kB) français Nederlands

Gender pay gap factsheet - Bulgaria pdf(199 kB) български

Gender pay gap factsheet - Cyprus pdf(190 kB) ελληνικά

Gender pay gap factsheet - Croatia pdf(190 kB)  hrvatski

Gender pay gap factsheet - Czech Republic pdf(192 kB) čeština

Gender pay gap factsheet - Denmark pdf(191 kB) dansk

Gender pay gap factsheet - Estonia pdf(190 kB) eesti keel

Gender pay gap factsheet - Finland pdf(190 kB) suomi

Gender pay gap factsheet - France pdf(190 kB) français

Gender pay gap factsheet - Germany pdf(194 kB) Deutsch

Gender pay gap factsheet - Greece pdf(198 kB) ελληνικά

Gender pay gap factsheet - Hungary pdf(190 kB) magyar

Gender pay gap factsheet - Ireland pdf(190 kB) 

Gender pay gap factsheet - Italy pdf(190 kB) italiano

Gender pay gap factsheet - Latvia pdf(190 kB) latviešu valoda

Gender pay gap factsheet - Lithuania pdf(190 kB) lietuvių kalba

Gender pay gap factsheet - Luxembourg pdf(190 kB) français

Gender pay gap factsheet - Malta pdf(190 kB) Malti

Gender pay gap factsheet - Netherlands pdf(190 kB) Nederlands

Gender pay gap factsheet - Poland pdf(190 kB) polski

Gender pay gap factsheet - Portugal pdf(190 kB) português

Gender pay gap factsheet - Romania pdf(190 kB) română

Gender pay gap factsheet - Slovakia pdf(190 kB) slovenčina

Gender pay gap factsheet - Slovenia pdf(190 kB) slovenščina

Gender pay gap factsheet - Spain pdf(190 kB) español

Gender pay gap factsheet - Sweden pdf(190 kB) svenska

Gender pay gap factsheet - United Kingdom pdf(190 kB)


EU factsheet: gender pay gap in the European Unionpdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Austria pdf(194 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Belgium pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Bulgaria pdf(199 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Cyprus pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Croatia pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Czech Republic pdf(192 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Denmark pdf(191 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Estonia pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Finland pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - France pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Germany pdf(194 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Greece pdf(198 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Hungary pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Ireland pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Italy pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Latvia pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Lithuania pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Luxembourg pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Malta pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Netherlands pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Poland pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Portugal pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Romania pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Slovakia pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Slovenia pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Spain pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Sweden pdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - United Kingdom pdf(190 kB)


EU factsheet: gender pay gap in the European Unionpdf(195 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Austriapdf(192 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Belgiumpdf(179 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Bulgariapdf(197 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Cypruspdf(196 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Croatiapdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Czech Republicpdf(190 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Denmarkpdf(189 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Estoniapdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Finlandpdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Francepdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Germanypdf(192 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Greecepdf(196 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Hungarypdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Irelandpdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Italypdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Latviapdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Lithuaniapdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Luxembourgpdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Maltapdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Netherlandspdf(179 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Polandpdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Portugalpdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Romaniapdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Slovakiapdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Sloveniapdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Spainpdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - Swedenpdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap factsheet - United Kingdompdf(188 kB)

Gender pay gap infographic - European Equal Pay Day 2015pdf(2 MB)







Your rights

Including publications by the Gender Equality Legal Experts Network and since 2015 by the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination


  • Intersectional discrimination in EU gender equality and non-discrimination lawpdf(749 kB)
    It is increasingly recognised that discrimination can occur on the basis of more than one ground. The central problem identified by the notion of intersectional discrimination is how to render visible and properly remedy the wrongs of those who are multiply disadvantaged. In the course of this thematic report, author Sandra Fredman explores the challenges posed by intersectionality in relation to EU law. The report analyses the ways in which European states deal with multiple discrimination and intersectionality, drawing on responses by national experts from all the EU member States, as well as the candidate and EFTA countries. The report considers the potential within existing EU anti-discrimination law to incorporate an intersectional approach, whether intersectional experiences can be addressed within EU law and the extent to which existing jurisprudence from the Court of Justice might be understood as reflecting intersectionality. In the final chapter of the report, Fredman discusses how an intersectional approach to equality and non-discrimination can be adopted trough proactive measures and mainstreaming.
    Full report in English with executive summaries in German and French.
  • Gender Equality Law in Europe - How are EU rules transposed into national law in 2015?pdf(609 kB)
    This report provides a general overview of the transposition of EU gender equality law in Europe and in the candidate countries . It explains the most important elements of the EU gender equality acquis and its implementation at the national level. The term ‘EU gender equality acquis’ refers to all the relevant Treaty and Charter provisions, legislation and the case law of the CJEU in relation to gender equality.
  • A comparative analysis of gender equality law in Europe (2015)pdf(939 kB)
    This report provides a general overview of the ways in which EU gender equality law has been implemented in the domestic laws of European countries.The analysis is based on country reports to be found here.
  • Legal implications of EU accession to the Istanbul Conventionpdf(845 kB)
    This report clarifies the legal preconditions and legal impact of the possible accession of the EU to the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention). The first chapter of the report considers the evolution of human rights law concerning violence against women, the drafting and adoption of the Istanbul Convention, and the main features of the Convention. The second and third chapters of the report consider the Istanbul Convention in relation to EU law, and describe the positions of the 28 EU Member States concerning the Convention. The report is based on a comparative study of country reports submitted by the gender equality experts of the European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination.
    Full report in English with executive summaries in German and French.
  • Measures to address the challenges of work-life balance in the EU Member States, Iceland (2015)pdf(2 MB)
    Full report in English with executive summaries in German and French.











Network of legal experts: 2014 country reports on gender equality

These country reports provide each year a thorough analysis of the transposition and effective implementation of the gender equality directives as well as a description of measures going beyond the minimum requirements of these Directives.

Austriapdf(2 MB)
Belgiumpdf(2 MB)
Bulgariapdf(994 kB)
Croatiapdf(2 MB)
Cypruspdf(2 MB)
Czech Republicpdf(942 kB)
Denmarkpdf(2 MB)
Estoniapdf(2 MB)
Finlandpdf(943 kB)
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedoniapdf(2 MB)
Francepdf(918 kB)
Germanypdf(2 MB)
Greecepdf(2 MB)
Hungarypdf(2 MB)
Icelandpdf(948 kB)
Irelandpdf(2 MB)
Italypdf(976 kB)
Latviapdf(2 MB)
Liechtensteinpdf(970 kB)
Lithuaniapdf(2 MB)
Luxembourgpdf(880 kB)
Maltapdf(2 MB)
Montenegropdf(2 MB)
The Netherlandspdf(2 MB)
Norwaypdf(2 MB)
Polandpdf(2 MB)
Portugalpdf(2 MB)
Republic of Serbiapdf(2 MB)
Romaniapdf(2 MB)
Serbiapdf(2 MB)
Slovakiapdf(2 MB)
Sloveniapdf(2 MB)
Spainpdf(2 MB)
Swedenpdf(2 MB)
Turkeypdf(2 MB)
United Kingdompdf(2 MB)

Network of legal experts: 2015 country reports on gender equality

These country reports provide each year a thorough analysis of the transposition and effective implementation of the gender equality directives as well as a description of measures going beyond the minimum requirements of these Directives.

Austria pdf(2 MB)
Belgium pdf(2 MB)
Bulgaria pdf(2 MB)
Croatia pdf(2 MB)
Cyprus pdf(2 MB)
Czech Republicpdf(2 MB)
Denmark pdf(2 MB)
Estonia pdf(2 MB)
Finland pdf(2 MB)
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
France pdf(2 MB)
Germany pdf(2 MB)
Hungary pdf(2 MB)
Iceland pdf(2 MB)
Ireland pdf(2 MB)
Italy pdf(2 MB)
Latvia pdf(2 MB)
Liechtenstein pdf(970 kB)
Lithuania pdf(2 MB)
Luxembourg pdf(2 MB)
Malta pdf(2 MB)
Montenegro pdf(2 MB)
The Netherlands pdf(2 MB)
Norway pdf(2 MB)
Poland pdf(2 MB)
Portugal pdf(2 MB)
Republic of Serbia
Romania pdf(2 MB)
Serbia pdf(2 MB)
Slovakia pdf(2 MB)
Slovenia pdf(2 MB)
Spain pdf(2 MB)
Sweden pdf(2 MB)
Turkey pdf(2 MB)
United Kingdompdf(2 MB)

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