Tööhõive, sotsiaalküsimused ja sotsiaalne kaasatus

Noortegarantii liikmesriikides - Videod

Kestus :00:56 / kuupäeva alusel: May 2019

Adriana, a young Portuguese, thanks to the Youth Guarantee scheme did a traineeship with a fashion company and after the company hired her as a product developer. Youth Guarantee, launched in the EU in April 2013, helped to reduce youth unemployment: there are 2.4 million less young unemployed people since 2013 and more than 3.5 million young people took up an offer of employment, education, traineeship or apprenticeship each year since 2014.

Video alla laadimiseks pöörduge palun Euroopa Komisjoni audiovisuaalteenuste lehele.

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