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Just Transition Platform Working Groups Outputs


Since 2021, the Just Transition Platform (JTP) Working Groups (WGs) have brought together stakeholders from across Europe with a common concern for the people and places affected by the transition to a climate-neutral economy.

The WGs for Steel, Cement and Chemicals each have a focus on a specific carbon-intensive sector that is heavily impacted by the transition, while a fourth Working Group focuses on Horizontal Stakeholder Strategy. You can find out more about the objectives, activities and membership of the groups on our main JTP Working Groups page.


After finalising their respective Scoping Papers the WGs developed a common Implementation Plan, which was published in April 2023 and set out their 17 Actions for a just transition. The Scoping Papers and Implementation Plan, which provides more detail about these actions, are available on the JTP Working Groups page.

Led by their Action leaders, the WG members then began implementing their respective Actions. These Actions address the challenges and issues in their respective Scoping Papers. The outputs of these Actions are practical solutions and tools, as well as recommendations, to tackle local challenges and mitigate the adverse effects of the transition process in carbon-intensive regions.

You can find the outputs from their work below. Please note that the information and views contained in the documents are those of the members of the Just Transition Platform Working Groups on Steel, Cement, Chemicals and Horizontal Stakeholder Strategy and do not reflect the official opinion of the European Commission.


Guides and toolkits

Action 1:Just Transition Knowledge Exchange Guide

Target audience: All actors in just transition regions

Purpose: To guide the organisation of knowledge exchange and learning in the just transition field, including practical information on how to exchange knowledge, who to exchange it with, and how to finance it.

Action 2: Guidelines for selecting just transition projects

Target audience: Regional and local public authorities in just transition regions.

Purpose: To help local decision-makers select projects aimed at achieving a sustainable energy transition in a diverse, objective, and fair manner.

Action 2: Measuring stakeholder engagement and participation in just sustainability transition policies

Target audience: Practitioners, researchers, regional and local public authorities.

Purpose: To evaluate the quality of citizen participation in place-based policies for just sustainable transitions.

Action 3: Toolkit for communicating about the just transition with citizens and municipalities

Target audience: Regional and local public authorities, citizens groups.

Purpose: To support local-level authorities and municipalities to communicate about the just transition with citizens and to raise awareness among citizens and municipalities about what the Just Transition Fund does and how to make use of it.

Action 6: Checklist to measure the qualitative involvement of stakeholders in the transition and the TJTP implementation process

Target audience: JTF managing authorities, other stakeholders and partners involved in the TJTP implementation process.

Purpose: To assess the involvement of stakeholder in the implementation of the Territorial Just Transition Plans with clear indicators.

Action 7: Guidelines to engage with people living in vulnerable situations

Target audience: Regional and local authorities, researchers and other interested stakeholders.

Purpose: To provide a comprehensive understanding of the best practices for reaching and engaging hard-to-reach groups living in vulnerable situations and promote greater inclusivity and equity in research and policymaking processes.


Concept and strategy papers

Action 5: Concept Paper on Setting up and implementing a Territorial Socio-Economic Observatory on the Just Transition (TOJT)

Target audience: Regional and local authorities, European Commission, universities, research organisations, trade unions, civil society organisations, companies, other social partners.

Purpose: To promote the setting-up and implementation of a Territorial Socio-Economic Observatory on the Just Transition to monitor and evaluate just transition projects, to identify the impacts of these projects and to monitor and support the engagement of stakeholder in the just transition processes.

Action 9: Concept paper to advise public authorities on developing granular mapping of employment consequences

Target audience: JTF managing authorities, employer’s representatives and trade unions, companies, statistical offices, research organisations and consultancies.

Purpose: To provide a comprehensive understanding of the best practices for reaching and engaging hard-to-reach groups living in vulnerable situations and promote greater inclusivity and equity in research and policymaking processes.

Action 11: Good practice model of a Transformation Council

Target audience: Regional and local authorities, social partners, other regional stakeholders (such as chambers of commerce)

Purpose: Provide guidance to JTF regions concerning the set-up of transformation councils, which will be able to work as advisory board and influence the decision-making process but will not be decision-making bodies as such.

Action 12: Good practices on energy transition governance in cross-border / interregional cooperation (survey results)

Target audience: Regional and local public authorities in JTF regions, companies, research organisations, civil society organisations.

Purpose: To compile examples of effective energy transition governance from JTF regions through a survey on best practices.

Action 14: Strategy paper for the governance of a CO2 infrastructure in the context of a just transition of the cement sector

Target audience: Regional and local public authorities in JTF regions, industry stakeholders, European Commission.

Purpose: To identify challenges faced by the cement industry in implementing carbon capture technologies and fostering a just transition and to present practical recommendations to facilitate a successful and economically viable transition in the European cement sector.

Actions 16&17: Hydrogen economy in JTF regions (survey results)

Target audience: Regional and local public authorities, companies, research organisations, social partners.

Purpose: To inform about existing hydrogen projects in EU regions and raise awareness among decision-makers at the national and EU level on the need to coordinate hydrogen endeavours.



Action 13: Recommendation paper on carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) in JTF regions

Target audience: EU associations of industries, regional and local authorities, innovators, large industries in JTF regions.

Purpose: To provide an analysis of the potential of three alternative carbon sources (waste plastics, biomass and carbon dioxide) and explore tools for driving the transition in most affected regions.

Action 15: Recommendation paper on strategies for increasing material efficiency and the use of secondary steel

Target audience: Regional and local public authorities, chambers of commerce, skilling and reskilling agencies, universities and start-up incubators.

Purpose: To show the available options to implement circular economy and material efficiency practices to tackle environmental, social and resiliency issues at once.
