Back Primary and final energy consumption slowly decreasing

28 January 2021

© Romolo Tavani/

In 2019, primary energy consumption in the European Union (EU) of 27 Member States reached 1 352 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe), which is 3.0% above the efficiency target for 2020 and 19.9% away from the 2030 target. Final energy consumption reached 984 Mtoe: 2.6% above the efficiency target for 2020 and 16.3% away from the 2030 target. Compared with 2018, primary energy consumption decreased by 2% at EU level and final energy consumption by 1%.

Largest increase in primary energy consumption in Greece, largest decrease in Estonia

Compared with 2018, primary energy consumption increased in eight of the 27 Member States, and decreased in nineteen Member States. The highest increase was recorded in Greece (7%), followed by Malta (6%) and Belgium (5%). Among the eleven Member States where primary energy consumption decreased between 2019 and 2018, the largest fall was registered in Estonia (22%).

Primary energy consumption in the EU, distance to 2020 and 2030 targets​​​​​​​

Source dataset: nrg_ind_eff

Largest increase in final energy consumption in Malta, largest decrease in Latvia

Compared with 2018, final energy consumption increased in seventeen of the 27 Member States and decreased in ten Member states. The highest increase was recorded in Malta (6%), followed by Austria, Cyprus, Greece and Portugal (all 2%). In contrast, the largest drop was recorded in Latvia, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark (all 2%).

Final energy consumption in the EU, distance to 2020 and 2030 targets ​​​​​​​

Source dataset nrg_ind_eff

For more information, you can read our Statistics Explained article on energy savings.


  • Primary energy consumption measures total domestic energy demand, while final energy consumption refers to what end users actually consume. The difference relates mainly to what the energy sector needs itself and to transformation and distribution losses.
  • The EU has an energy efficiency target of reducing energy consumption by 20% by 2020. The primary energy consumption should amount to no more than 1 312 Mtoe and final energy consumption to no more than 959 Mtoe in 2020.
  • The EU energy efficiency target for 2030 aims at a primary energy consumption of no more than 1 128 Mtoe and a final energy consumption of no more than 846 Mtoe.
  • The 2020 target for the EU of 27 Member States is calculated using the same methodology as for the EU of 28 Member States target, but excluding the United Kingdom.

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