DS Microdata > Public microdata > LFS EN REVAMP

Public microdata, also referred to as public use files, for the EU Labour force survey (LFS) were created to enable interested parties to become familiar with microdata.

At the same time, the privacy of respondents had to be protected. The structure of public microdata is the same as that of research microdata available in scientific use files.

Public microdata enable researchers and trainers to develop programmes using the same formats and variable names as for the actual LFS scientific use files. The files have been designed so that programmes and procedures created with public microdata will also work with scientific use files.

LFS public microdata files are protected using traditional statistical disclosure control methods such as global recoding, local suppression and addition of noise. There are both annual and quarterly files.

Public microdata are used for the following purposes:

  • statistical training at all levels
  • allow researchers to explore the content and complexity of the survey prior to requesting access to confidential microdata
  • enable accredited researchers to develop and write a code that might one day be applied to the scientific use files.

Public microdata cannot be used for statistical inference about the wider population. No generalised statements about individual characteristics or relationships between different personal or household characteristics should be made based on these data.

Only scientific use files should be used for publications as they are the only ones that can be used for valid analysis. Any calculations based on the public microdata, or any conclusions drawn from them are at the sole risk and responsibility of the user. The national statistical institutes and Eurostat are not responsible for any improper use of these data and cannot guarantee the accuracy or reliability of results.

Public use files are developed in accordance with article 19 of EU regulation 223/2009 on European statistics. It stipulates that the files should be prepared in such a way that the statistical unit cannot be identified.

The  user guide for the Labour force survey gives an overview of the variables used in this survey.

Public microdata are published for a limited number of countries and years. Please consult our  datasets availability table. The data are in CSV format (comma-separated values) and grouped by country and year.

The  EU-LFS public use files metadata contains the accompanying metadata. When downloading it, you’ll need to enable macros to ensure full functionality. Read the instructions on the worksheet called Homepage and compile your query using the series of check boxes.

Public microdata