Retour Excess mortality in 2020 reached its peak in November

16 February 2021

© ArtSvetlana/

In spring 2020, the number of deaths in the EU started to rise rapidly due to COVID-19: in some parts of Europe, deaths were exceptionally high, when compared with the average mortality of previous years. From here came the idea of assessing the impact of the pandemic by looking at the excess mortality, i.e. the increase in the total number of deaths, from any cause, compared with deaths in the previous years.

In total, over 450 000 more deaths occurred in the EU between March and November 2020 compared with the same period in 2016 – 2019. During the early rise of COVID-19, the excess mortality in the EU reached its first peak in April 2020, with an increase of 25% compared with the average of the same month over 2016 - 2019.


Excess mortality in 2020 (map)

Source data: demo_mexrt


Between May and July, a lower level of excess mortality was registered, while yet another surge in mortality started in August – September with the next wave of the pandemic. The excess mortality in the EU was 8% above the average in September, +17% in October and +40% in November, with the indicator rising in all EU Member States.

Although the excess mortality was observed during the entire year, across Europe, the peaks and intensity of outbreaks varied greatly across countries. For further analysis, you can read the Statistics Explained article on excess mortality and use the new interactive tool by selecting the country you would like to analyse:




  • Please note that while a substantial increase in excess mortality largely coincides with a COVID-19 outbreak, this indicator does not discriminate among the causes of death and does not catch differences across sex and age classes.
  • The European Union (EU) includes 27 EU Member States. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. Further information is published here.


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