DS Transport > Information on data EN REVAMP

Transport statistics describe the volume of freight and/or number of passengers transported by:

  • air
  • inland waterways
  • maritime (sea)
  • oil pipelines
  • railway
  • road

They also provide information on the number of vehicles, aircraft, and vessels as well as the available infrastructure. In addition, Eurostat publishes safety statistics for all transport modes.

The data are complemented by:

  • indicators calculated by Eurostat on the share of each transport mode in the total freight and passenger transport, the so-called modal split
  • indicators on the different legs of a freight transport journey, so called intermodal transport.

They help monitor the shift of passenger and goods transport to environment-friendly modes.

All transport statistics are published at national level and some also at regional level, meaning level 2 or 3 of the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NUTS).

Cooperation on data collections

The safety statistics are collected in collaboration with the EU agencies on transport safety.

Eurostat maintains also the voluntary data collection called ‘Eurostat / ITF / UNECE common questionnaire on inland transport statistics’ in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the International Transport Forum (ITF) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

DS Transport > Information data > Passenger mobility indicators EN REVAMP

Passenger mobility indicators

Passenger mobility statistics are a nascent field. Eurostat has developed guidelines on passenger mobility statistics to assess passenger mobility in the EU using a standard methodology and provided grants in the period 2015-2018 to carry out pilot projects. The results obtained from these surveys and studies are summarised in the 'Passenger Mobility Statistics - Report on Surveys'.

You can also consult our article on  Passenger mobility statistics.

Currently, no regular passenger mobility statistics are produced by the EU countries.