DS Transport >Quality EN REVAMP

Transport statistics are based on a well-established process that covers all the steps from data transmission to data assessment and dissemination. This process includes thorough quality checks for all transport domains.

The quality of transport data is assessed in terms of:

  • relevance
  • accuracy
  • timeliness and punctuality
  • accessibility and clarity
  • comparability and coherence.

Data are subject to several intra- and inter-dataset quality checks. For each domain, a specific set of thresholds and validation rules are used to check the consistency within each dataset and between different datasets. For each reference period, time-series checks are performed to ensure data consistency over time.

As soon as data for all countries are received, Eurostat performs mirror checks to identify inconsistencies in data recorded by a pair of countries for the same transport activity.

Eurostat produces quality reports that are shared only with the countries as well as country-specific notes, which include methodological information and specific comments from countries regarding their data.