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1st Anniversary meeting of national Child Guarantee Coordinators in Brussels
To celebrate the first anniversary of the European Child Guarantee recommendation, a meeting was held in Brussels on 14 June 2022. The meeting focused on the implementation of action plans and on the situation of children refugees from Ukraine.
Ukraine: Commission presents guidance to help people fleeing war access jobs, training and adult learning
The guidance covers both people eligible for temporary protection under the Temporary Protection Directive as well as those eligible for adequate protection under national law.
European Commission visits ESF+ projects in Greece supporting vulnerable individuals
During its visit in Patras, the European Commission acknowledged the work of two projects, funded by the European Social Fund, focusing on healthcare services and extra care for vulnerable children
Equality: Commission launches 2023 Access City Award for most accessible cities in the EU
Applications for the Access City Award competition are open. The Award recognises cities which have made significant efforts to become more accessible for persons with disabilities and have plans for further improvement.
ESF+ project in Greece fosters future young entrepreneurs
The “Know Thyself” center in Greece, co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), aims to strengthen self-employment and improve the competitiveness of the local economy by training students in the skills they need to work in their chosen field, as well as on developing their entrepreneurial skills.
Commission welcomes political agreement on adequate minimum wages for workers in the EU
The European Parliament and the EU Member States reached today a political agreement on the Directive on adequate minimum wages proposed by the Commission in October 2020.
ESF+ project in Italy on cultural heritage restauration helps young people build unique career
The project “Veneto per i Beni Culturali” (IVBC), , co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), offers numerous paths for young people and adults to develop their skills in cultural heritage restauration. Participants, mostly unemployed, are first taught how to handle the work as part of a classroom course. Afterwards, they develop expertise through a specialised internship – offering on-the-job training to build their knowledge.
Commission adopts €18.4 billion Partnership Agreement with France
The Commission has today adopted its Partnership Agreement with France, laying down an investment strategy worth €18.4 billion in cohesion policy funding for the period 2021-2027. The funds will also contribute to the competitiveness of the French regions, while addressing territorial disparities between rural and urban areas, notably when it comes to access to healthcare and to social services.
ESF+ project in Slovenia helps young people to get a second chance after leaving school
Trough the PUM-O programme, funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), young adults in Slovenia took part in a ten-month course of non-formal education. PUM-O supports around 400 young people across Slovenia each year in building their skills and experiences.
Commission holds a second consultation with social partners on the forthcoming EU initiative to support social dialogue
During the consultation, EU social partners shared their views with the European Commission on how social dialogue can be strengthened in the Member States, taking into account recent and current challenges to both tripartite and bipartite social dialogue.