Nodarbinātība, sociālās lietas un iekļautība

Access to social protection for people working on non-standard contracts and as self-employed in Europe - A study of national policies

Access to social protection for people working on non-standard contracts and as self-employed in Europe - A study of national policies

Economic and labour market transformations in Europe have led to an increase in non-standard work and new forms of self-employment as well as an upsurge in transitions from one labour market status to another — with great variations between countries, sectors, age groups and gender. In this context, European social protection systems are facing growing challenges in covering social risks for these workers.

This Synthesis Report produced by the core team of the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) describes the social and labour market situation of the self-employed and non-standard workers in 35 European countries. It also analyses their statutory and effective access to the main social protection schemes, and identifies recent national reforms aimed at extending their social protection.

The report draws on the national Thematic Reports prepared by the 35 ESPN Country Teams.

Catalog N. : KE-01-17-265-EN-N

Pieejams  EU Publications

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