Beskæftigelse, Sociale Anliggender, Arbejdsmarkedsforhold og Inklusion

Analytical Web Note 1/2015 - A descriptive analysis of the EU Labour Market Policy (LMP) Statistics

Analytical Web Note 1/2015 - A descriptive analysis of the EU Labour Market Policy (LMP) Statistics

This note provides a descriptive overview of the data collected under the EU Labour Market Policy Statistics (LMP) database managed by the European Commission. The analysis in the note covers a number of indicators on expenditure and beneficiaries as contained in the LMP database.1 On the basis of these statistics/ indicators one can analyse for example the structural features between countries: which countries focus more strongly on the so-called active labour market policies and which seem to do focus on support policies / benefits.

This publication is only available in electronic format in English.

Catalog N. : KE-BM-15-001-EN-N

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