Tööhõive, sotsiaalküsimused ja sotsiaalne kaasatus

Sotsiaalne dialoog - Videod

Kestus :31:55 / kuupäeva alusel: Jun 2016

Signature by Marianne THYSSEN, Member of the EC in charge of Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Valdis DOMBROVSKIS, Vice-President of the EC in charge of the Euro and Social Dialogue, Wepke GINGMA, Dutch Presidency, Luca VISENTINI, ETUC Secretary General, Markus BEYRER, BUSINESSEUROPE Director General, Valeria RONZITTI, CEEP Secretary General, and Peter FAROSS, UEAPME Secretary General

Video alla laadimiseks pöörduge palun Euroopa Komisjoni audiovisuaalteenuste lehele.

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