Tööhõive, sotsiaalküsimused ja sotsiaalne kaasatus

Kutsehariduse tipptaseme keskused - Videod

Kestus :1:55 / kuupäeva alusel: May 2020

The European Commission has launched an initiative to establish transnational Platforms of Centres of Vocational Excellence with the support of the Erasmus+ programme. CoVEs aim to drive innovation and excellence in vocational education and training, by bringing together a wide range of local partners such as VET providers (at both secondary and tertiary levels), employers, chambers, research centres, development agencies, employment services, and social partners (among others), to co-create "skills ecosystems" that contribute to regional economic and social development, innovation, and smart specialisation strategies. Let’s create vocational excellence together! Get involved! Apply!

Video alla laadimiseks pöörduge palun Euroopa Komisjoni audiovisuaalteenuste lehele.

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