Tööhõive, sotsiaalküsimused ja sotsiaalne kaasatus

Oskused ja pädevus - Videod

Kestus :06:42 / kuupäeva alusel: Sep 2016

On 20 June the European Commission organised a high-level event to launch the New Skills Agenda for Europe to boost human capital, employability and competitiveness, adopted on 10 June 2016. The actions of the New Skills Agenda focus on improving the quality and relevance of skills formation, making skills and qualifications more visible and comparable, as well as improving skills intelligence and information for better career choices. The launch event gathered an audience from a wide spectrum of employment and education stakeholders and featured high-level speakers from European and international institutions. It was a highly interactive event offering opportunities to network and build partnerships for skills.

Video alla laadimiseks pöörduge palun Euroopa Komisjoni audiovisuaalteenuste lehele.

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