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Polish firm develops food packaging plastic with sustainable benefits

A Polish packaging manufacturer has developed an innovative plastic film that is both biodegradeable and keeps food fresh for longer. The material is thin, and therefore lightweight and uses fewer raw materials, but does not break easily. It acts as a bacteriostatic, which stops bacteria from reproducing inside the packaging.

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Danish collaborations create innovative solutions for health

Businesses, research institutes and public authorities in Denmark’s Central Jutland Region are collaborating to develop innovations for the health and welfare sector. The Circular Co-Creation project, led by the MedTech Innovation Consortium, has so far developed 18 potential products and services.

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Modular zero-energy house from Polish company saves construction time – and energy

A company based in Poland’s Podlaskie region has developed and refined a zero-energy house that can be built in a few hours. Unibep SA’s modular design prototype building was constructed, tested and improved through an EU-backed project. The multi-family home incorporates the latest energy-saving technologies, which are good for the environment and residents alike.

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Innovative new system from Poland predicts industrial equipment failure

A start-up company based in Lublin, Poland has developed a sophisticated remote diagnostics system which makes it possible to predict when industrial machinery will develop faults. Predictail received support from EU funding to improve and market-test its new product, which has now been launched for sale to a range of potential customers. Predictail’s system will help its users minimise maintenance costs, reduce accidents and shutdowns, thereby optimising production and operations.

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SMEs in Zealand, Denmark, get an innovation boost through collaboration with academia

SMEs in Denmark’s Zealand region are collaborating with researchers from one of the country’s top universities on the development and testing of technological products or solutions that will boost growth and innovation. The Technology Cooperation in Zealand project has created 21 innovation collaborations, where 57 companies work with teams from Technology University of Denmark (DTU). Together, they are identifying technological challenges before developing and testing new products that can be brought to market.

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Better road links for Cyprus’s main port

The second phase of a two-phase project to build a dual carriageway linking Limassol New Port – Cyprus’s principal seaport – with the A6 motorway between Limassol and Paphos is underway with support from EU funding. The project will provide good road transport connections between the port and the various districts of Limassol, as well as with the national highway network leading to other parts of Cyprus.

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Streamlining public procurement in Italy’s Liguria region

Italy’s Liguria region has answered the call for simplification by developing a new online public procurement management system. Applicants can communicate directly with the managing authority to get information on public tenders, and assistance with filling out the application forms, among other features.
