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New waste rules for Europe!

New waste rules approved by European Parliament will make EU global front-runner in waste management and recycling

The 21st Forum on Eco-innovation took place in Sofia!

The 21st European Forum on Eco-innovation was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 5-6 February 2018. The Forum examined eco-innovative solutions for improving air quality. Summary, videos and presentations are available online.

Hackathon delivers clever ideas for cleaner air

Acknowledged as essential for healthier living, better air quality in cities is now a priority across Europe. At the BreezeCleanAir4City hackathon, organised on 12-13 January 2018, participants were inspired to come up with new ways of using satellite data to measure and predict air quality.

Breeze Technologies, a most promising start-up!

A pioneering German air-quality monitoring company has been named one of the EU’s most promising start-ups by the European Parliament. While Breeze’s sensor network solution focuses on being simple to use, it hides complex data-processing technology behind an equally complex problem.