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Circular economy

Dear readers,

It’s a great pleasure to present DG Environment’s “2022 Highlights” newsletter - a special edition to wrap up the year and revisit some of the accomplishments of the past 12 months.

EU agrees new law on more sustainable and circular batteries

The European Parliament and the Council reached a provisional agreement in December on a new law to make all batteries placed on the EU market more sustainable, circular and safe. The rules will support EU's energy transition and competitive industry.

New measures at a glance

All you need to know on biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics and the new rules on packaging in this simple factsheet.

30th Birthday Party for EU Ecolabel

Wrapping up the 2-day conference, Florika Fink–Hooijer, Director General for Environment, European Commission, inaugurated the EU Ecolabel “Showroom on Wheels”. The showroom will now travel all around Europe. Follow the journey!

Circular Economy - Designed to last: sustainable and connected products

In this lively discussion, speakers zoned in on the Commission’s legal proposal to make sustainable products the norm and how new business models are critical to achieve change. On the systemic transition to sustainable products, Professor Jan Jonker said “It’s not always going to be popular, but it’s absolutely necessary if we want to keep on living within the boundaries of this planet”.

Closing session - From hope to action

The conference ended with an uplifting and forward-looking panel where circular business innovators, forward-thinking economists and nature conservation entrepreneurs enthusiastically shared their positive experience of “making the Green Deal real”. Participants were left with a clear message – that people influence change and every single one of us can help make Europe green.

Opening session - All change? What happens to EU Environmental Policy in times of crisis

What happens if wars, economic downturns, pandemics and food crises overshadow environmental policy? Tackling this tough question, speakers highlighted the need to keep environmental priorities high on the political agenda. Ruslan Strilets, Ukrainian Minister for the Environment, spoke of the Russian crimes against people, infrastructure and the planet, highlighting that “Nature is priceless” and a price must be put on this damage.