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Sign up as an Expert for GREEN ASSIST

Are you an expert in sustainable investments? Sign up to the new advisory service #GreenAssist and contribute to the implementation of the European Green Deal!

How can we protect vulnerable groups from climate change?

Vulnerable groups are hit the hardest by climate change, for example one in ten European schools and hospitals may be at risk of flooding, and half of these facilities in cities are within intense urban heat islands. This EEA briefing looks at how to address these inequalities.

EU Green Week 2022 is drawing to a close...

Dedicated to the theme of making the European Green Deal real, Europe’s biggest annual event on environmental policy started with a hard question: is there still a place for green policies in times where people struggle with high energy prices, supply chain disruptions that will lead to rising unemployment, high inflation and a war on Europe’s doorstep? The two-day conference explored what it will really take to transform to a circular, nature-positive and zero pollution economy.

Green Governance Week

This full-day event in Romania saw participants discuss many topics, including the potential of green digital technologies to achieve Green Deal goals.

The Greenfluencers' Flash Mob

Young Europeans nicknamed "Greenfluencers" performed flash mobs in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and Slovenia. By performing an activist song, the Greenfluencers raised awareness about global warming.

Zero Pollution - Who pays the price for pollution?

This session centered on the polluter pays principle and how it should be better applied at EU level, bringing questions of fairness and justice to the forefront and emphasizing that it is people who pay the price for pollution. Femke Groothuis, co-founder and president of The Ex’tax project highlighted that “Only 0.2% of all tax revenues are based on pollution and resource use, even worse, we’re subsidising pollution to the tune of €50 billion a year.”

Closing session - From hope to action

The conference ended with an uplifting and forward-looking panel where circular business innovators, forward-thinking economists and nature conservation entrepreneurs enthusiastically shared their positive experience of “making the Green Deal real”. Participants were left with a clear message – that people influence change and every single one of us can help make Europe green.

31 May highlights

See what participants had to say about the second day of the EU Green Week 2022 conference.

Opening words

Watch European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s address to participants at the opening session.

30 May highlights

Check out the video highlights from the first day of the EU Green Week 2022 conference.