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Doubling up on the benefits of solar power

What’s better than one solar panel facing up towards the sun and generating zero-carbon electricity? Two solar panels – or more specifically, double-sided solar panels that maximise power generation twice a day.

Farmland biodiversity win-wins … policy and innovation imperatives

Farmland biodiversity in Europe is under huge pressure as farming intensifies, landscape features are removed and habitats are lost. Innovation in the agricultural sector – supported by smarter, greener policies and good practices like precision farming underwritten by satellite technology and better data use – can make a vast difference in the coming decades.

Infographic – Monitoring biodiversity

Monitoring biodiversity helps us to keep track of living species and understand changes affecting them. As the EU is about to release its renewed Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, what is the state of play?

Natural Capital Protocol Training

In response to the common perception that conducting a natural capital assessment is prohibitively complex and technical, the Natural Capital Coalition has created an interactive online Natural Capital Protocol Training. The training puts participants in the shoes of a sustainability or strategy executive, and through a series of videos guides them through the main stages of conducting a natural capital assessment. Some of the key questions discussed in the training are Why should you conduct a natural capital assessment? What is an appropriate scope to meet your objectives? And How can you interpret, validate and verify your assessment process and results. The training will be useful to businesses in any sector trying to understand their relationship with nature.

Leading The Way In Closing The Loop: Circular Flanders

The Circular Flanders partnership acts as a hub for development of the circular economy in the Flemish region. Circular Flanders spokesperson Jan Verheyen provided details on its structure and approach, and in particular, its work to encourage circular economy thinking in purchasing decisions made by companies and public authorities.

Sustainable Development

New OECD report on innovation policies for sustainable development, focusing on low-carbon energy and smart-city initiatives

Can new tech like AI save resources and the environment?

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) look set to transform the way all industries approach their business, from optimising production and energy systems, to how scientists analyse and use data on everything from predicting climate change and crop failure to understanding ecosystems.

The mother of invention…

Necessity is the mother of invention. This has never been truer than with ‘green energy’ technology. The combined challenge of tackling climate change, dwindling resources and environmental damage, while sustaining economic growth and social cohesion, call for some serious energy innovation.