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Recently verified technology in the water industry includes Vertical centrifugal flow regulator by Danish based company Mosbaek

Mosbaek offers products related to flow control in sewage systems in order to ensure optimum construction, operating and maintenance costs for the user. The founder of the company was the first to invent a “water break” or “flow regulator” to allow sewage systems to limit passing water flow. The ETV verified technology is the vertical centrifugal flow regulator, CEV (Centrifugal Vertical), designed to regulate the flow of storm water during extreme rainfall events.

ETV: Strengthening the water economy in the EU

Water is essential, not only for consumption but also for the production of goods and services, as it impacts all ecosystems. Industries that produce metals, wood and paper products, chemicals and energy all involve use of water in fabricating, processing, washing, diluting, cooling or transporting a product and for sanitation needs. Water ecosystems are vital assets in our societies and economies and they play a key role in European productivity and security.

CEMC: raising awareness of ETV in Czech Republic

The Czech Environment Management Center (CEMC), an association of Czech experts and businesses in the field of industrial ecology, was accredited as an ETV Verification Body in 2012 for the ‘Materials, Waste and Resources’ technology area and in 2015 for the area of ‘Water Treatment and Monitoring’.

BRE Global: engaging with companies in the UK

Although relatively new to ETV verification, BRE Global has established a firm foundation in this area, working with a number of companies that are now nearly ready to field-test their new products. We asked John Holden of BRE Global about the company’s ETV scheme.

ETV visits IFAT International Trade Fair

From 30 May to 31 May, a European Commission representative of the ETV pilot scheme and CEMC, the Czech Verification Body, participated in IFAT, the largest European trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management, organised in Munich, Germany.

ETV presented at the Industrial Technologies conference

On 23 June 2016, a European Commission representative of the ETV pilot programme attended a matchmaking event at the Industrial Technologies conference in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This presented an opportunity to introduce ETV to business representatives in the manufacturing, process industry and technology industries across Europe.

LIFE projects combat poisoning

A number of LIFE projects are tackling the problem of wildlife poisoning using a range of methods. Several shared their experiences at a recent platform meeting in Athens.