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CEMC: raising awareness of ETV in Czech Republic

The Czech Environment Management Center (CEMC), an association of Czech experts and businesses in the field of industrial ecology, was accredited as an ETV Verification Body in 2012 for the ‘Materials, Waste and Resources’ technology area and in 2015 for the area of ‘Water Treatment and Monitoring’.

Research and Innovation for Practice Week (TVIP) 2016, Hustopeče, Czech Republic.

date:  25/07/2016

CEMC has a record of active involvement in issues related to the ETV programme, including implementation of environmental management, educating experts and the general public about the environment and related legislation and providing consulting services on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, REACH and CLP regulations.

CEMC publishes an expert journal, Waste Forum, and operates two internet portals (, in the area of industrial ecology to support SMEs. It also acts as the secretariat for the Association of Accredited Bodies EIA/SEA and for the Association of Operators for Ecological Waste Disposal (STEO), a member of the Confederation of the European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP).

Being a new tool, there is still work to do in raising the profile of ETV in Czech-Republic. As a result, CEMC has focused a large part of its activities on public relations and established collaborations with organisations that manage resources to support science and research and the competitiveness of businesses.

CEMC sees the future optimistically: ‘The future of ETV will depend on in which form and to what extent the Environmental Technology Verification will be implemented in strategic documents and programmes, such as Circular Economy, Horizon 2020, LIFE, etc.’, says Mr Student from CEMC. Until now, CEMC has performed nine quick scans to assess the suitability of technologies for verification, and in April 2016, completed its first verification. A ceremony for the handing over of the Statement of Verification will be held in Prague in September. The event is being prepared in cooperation with the Czech Ministry for Industry and Trade and a large audience is expected.

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