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February GPP News Alert

February GPP News Alert

date:  14/05/2018

Dear colleague,

Welcome to the first issue of the News Alert on Green Public Procurement (GPP) for 2019.

A quick look at this month’s headlines:

  • New guidance on green purchasing for Road Transport
  • Interview: The City of Oslo: Green procurement for a Green Capital - Espen Nicolaysen, Head of Section Sustainable Procurement
  • Good practice: Preparation and delivery of healthy and sustainable school meals in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
  • Last days to give your opinion on future of the EU Ecolabel
  • Green cleaning products and services (webinar)
  • Price of greener products (study by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency)
  • Furniture: New e-learning tool

Enjoy reading!

February GPP NewsAlert

Kind regards,

EU GPP Helpdesk
Tel: +49 761 368 920

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