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May GPP News Alert

May GPP News Alert

date:  14/05/2018

Dear colleague,

Welcome to the May edition of the Green Public Procurement (GPP) News Alert.

A quick look at this month’s headlines:

  • European Commission launches GPP training programme and toolkit
  • Interview: Portugal’s first ‘green deal’ promoting circular economy through public procurement
  • Good practice examples:
    • A low carbon, circular economy approach to concrete procurement - City of Zurich (Switzerand)
    • Furniture framework applying circular economy principles - City of Malmö (Sweden)
  • Road transport: outcomes from the last GPP Helpdesk webinar
  • Legal requirement for sustainable food in France
  • Zero emission deliveries in cities: new guidance for procurers published
  • Conference in Budapest on sustainable public procurement, 5-6 June

Enjoy reading!

May GPP NewsAlert

Kind regards,

EU GPP Helpdesk
Tel: +49 761 368 920

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