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March 2020 GPP News Alert

March 2020 GPP News Alert

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Green public procurement

date:  14/05/2018

Dear colleague,

Welcome to the March 2020 edition of the Green Public Procurement (GPP) News Alert.

A quick look at this month’s headlines:

  • New Circular Economy Action Plan Launched
  • Interview: Frans Dieryck, Chair of Circular Flanders
  • Good Practice: Wholesaler of sustainable food for schools and elderly care homes (Helsingborg, Sweden)
  • Good Practice: Procurement of electric buses and charging system (Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poland)
  • Zoom in on… GPP Helpdesk Webinar on food procurement
  • Zoom in on… Data Centre Criteria published
  • Zoom in on… analysis of sustainability criteria in European foodservices
  • Zoom in on… Carbon Footprint of Finnish public procurement measured

Enjoy reading!


March 2020 GPP News Alert


Kind regards,

EU GPP Helpdesk
Tel: +49 761 368 920