DS Population > Census > Information on data EN REVAMP

Dissemination of census data 

Census data are published for each census round using three dissemination channels maintained by Eurostat:

The data are kept in the dissemination tools for a long time due to the importance of the statistical information they provide.

The Census Hub is the main tool where data of the 2021 population and housing census in the EU can be found. Information will be uploaded as soon as it becomes available in each EU country. 

Shortly after the final data provision deadline of 31 March 2024, all the data will also be available in the Eurostat database. 

In March 2023, georeferenced data to a 1 km square grid will be available in the GISCO website section. 

Census Hub

The Census Hub is the result of a major joint effort by the European Statistical System (ESS) to better disseminate the results of the population and housing censuses in Europe. It provides users with easy access to detailed census data that are structured in the same way and methodologically comparable between countries.

Background facts

The Census Hub is based on the concept of data sharing:

  • National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) provide access to their data according to standard processes, formats and technologies.
  • Eurostat provides the IT structure that allows users to quickly and flexibly specify, compile and extract data stored in the different national census databases.
  • NSIs remain 'proprietors' of the data and keep control over them.

Data availability

Data collected by the EU members for the census rounds 1990/91, 2001 and 2011 are available in the Eurostat database. They are available on national level. For most census rounds, regional breakdowns are also available. 

Census data cover persons, families and households, as well as dwelling and housing arrangements

  • data on persons include the population structure (meaning the population broken down by sex and age groups), educational and employment characteristics, and migration characteristics of the population
  • data on families and households are categorised by types and sizes
  • data on dwelling types and housing arrangements

The data collected through the different census rounds evolve, as users’ needs and respondents’ technical capacities develop. For example, regional breakdowns got more detailed over the past few census rounds. In 2021, EU members implemented the data collection of selected variables on a 1 km square grid.

Please note: The census data are not microdata. They are aggregated data structured according to the tables agreed with EU members and defined in the legal implementing rules for the census.

Data release of 2021 census 

Data collected in the 2021 EU population and housing census round is provided to Eurostat in 2 steps:

  • by 31 December 2022: Data on the total population, collected on a 1 km square grid
  • by 31 March 2024: All other census data

Data quality

EU Member States implement their censuses based on a harmonised methodology that is internationally aligned. For more information, please consult our methodology page.