DS GISCO > Geodata > Population distribution > GEOSTAT- EN REVAMP NEW

Census grid 2021

The presentation of key topics from the 2021 Census on an EU-wide 1 km² grid is a major innovation. This facilitates a more flexible analysis, including at cross-border level.

The data are available in various formats, including:

  • raster (GeoTIFF)
  • GeoPackage (GPKG)
  • GeoParquet (Parquet)
  • auxiliary information in comma separated format (CSV)

The raster, GeoPackage, and GeoParquet files are in the European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (ETRS989-LAEA, EPSG:3035) projection.

Datasets are available for the 13 variables as defined in EU regulation 1799/2018 for:

  • sex (male and female)
  • age (under 15 years, 15-64, 65 years and over)
  • current activity status (number of employed persons), voluntary bases
  • country / place of birth (place of birth in reporting country, place of birth in other EU country, place of birth elsewhere)
  • place of usual residence (total population)
  • place of usual residence one year prior to the census (usual residence unchanged, move within the reporting country, move from outside the reporting country)

In the coming weeks, datasets will be disseminated according to the INSPIRE regulation.

Datasets available for download

Census population grid Feature type Format Coordinate reference system Files to download
Version 2021 (16 June 2024) Polygon / Raster CSV / GPKG / Raster ETRS89 / LAEA  ZIP
Version 2021 (13 March 2023) Polygon / Raster GPKG / Raster ETRS89 / LAEA  ZIP


There are specific download rules for the datasets shown below which must be complied with. Permission to download and use these data is subject to these rules being accepted.

Datasets available for download

GEOSTAT 1 km2 population grid Feature type Format Coordinate reference system Files to download
Version 2018 (13 April 2021) Polygon / Raster Shapefile / Raster ETRS89 / LAEA  ZIP
Version 2011 (1 February 2016) Polygon / Table Shapefile / csv ETRS89 / LAEA  ZIP
Version 2006 (23 January 2012) Polygon / Table Shapefile / csv ETRS89 / LAEA  ZIP