DS Migration and asylum > Overview > Image > EN > Revamp

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DS Migration and asylum > Overview > EN > Revamp

Which information can I find here?

This page serves as an entry point to the wide range of Eurostat statistics on migration and asylum. It is divided into the following five main topics, each of which provides access to datasets, detailed information, and relevant publications:

  • International migration, citizenship
    Data on international immigration and emigration flows, acquisitions, and loss of citizenship by various breakdowns, such as country of birth, citizenship, etc.
  • Asylum
    Data on the number of asylum applicants, decisions on applications, resettlement, and statistics on countries responsible for asylum applications (Dublin regulation), by various breakdowns. In addition, data on decisions and beneficiaries of temporary protection of third country nationals in the EU.
  • Managed migration
    Data on non-EU citizens subject to authorisations to reside (residence permits) or subject to enforcement of immigration legislation in the reporting country. It covers topics like residence permits issued, refusals at border, persons apprehended inside of the territory or persons subject to return.
  • Children in migration
    Data on migrant children, including statistics on unaccompanied minors, as regards asylum, residence permits, and the enforcement of immigration legislation.
  • Migrant integration
    Data on the integration of migrants in their host country, looking at areas such as employment, education, social inclusion, health, and active citizenship.

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