
With effect from Autumn 2015, free data tables include :

  • Number of employees in national civil service central public administration (EU28);
  • Year-on-year evolution of gross remuneration (EU28), annual time series to 1  July;
  • Year-on-year evolution of net remuneration (EU28), annual time series to 1 July;
  • EU average gross specific indicator, annual time series to 1 July;
  • EU average net specific indicator, annual time series to 1 July;
  • Joint Belgium and Luxembourg consumer price inflation index, annual time series 12 months to 1 July.

Detailed data

In free data tables, information is only presented at global level.

In intermediate report, information (forecast evolution of remuneration) is only presented at global level.

In annual report, for each EU Member State :

  • Staff numbers are presented by function group (AD/AST) and by grade;
  • Remuneration information is presented gross and net, in nominal and real terms, with supplementary breakdowns by function group (AD/AST). Full data is reported for minimum, median and maximum step, by grade and by household type (single/married with two children).

From this information, country specific indicators are calculated.

Comparisons are made with two control indicators: (1) Expenditure on compensation of employees in central administration, re-expressed per employee and in real terms; (2) the Labour Cost Index (nominal gross).