Back SDGs & me: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

23 June 2021

© United Nations

The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 9) 'Industry, innovation and infrastructure‘ calls for building resilient and sustainable infrastructure and promotes inclusive and sustainable industrialisation. It also recognises the importance of research and innovation for finding lasting solutions to social, economic and environmental challenges.

To know more about the situation in the EU as a whole, have a look at our infographic:

SDG 9 in the EU: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

How is your country doing in this regard?

Do you know how much your country invests in research and development (R&D) and how this has developed since 2000? How many people work in R&D industries? Or what share of all passenger-kilometres are travelled by bus and train?

The various visualisation tools in our interactive digital publication ‘SDGs & me’ will help you to easily explore and evaluate the situation of your country and compare it to others.

Select your country in the header below and choose different indicators of SDG 9 to find out more:



You can also discover the new visualisation tool ‘SDG country scores’ to see where your country stands compared to the EU average:

Screenshot of interactive tool "SDG country scores"


This article is published on the occasion of the European Research & Innovation Days (23 - 24 June 2021).


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