Zurück Are you younger or older than the median age in your region?

13 October 2021

© Pavel Vakhrushev/Shutterstock.com

In 2020, the median age of the EU population stood at 43.9 years. When compared with 2001 (the first reference year for which information is available), the median age increased by more than 5 years (from 38.4 years).

The median age indicator gives an idea of the rapid pace at which the EU’s population structure is changing and can identify the EU regions most at risk of facing the challenges of an ageing society. It can also reveal migratory patterns (young people leaving a region) or low birth rates. 


Infographic: Showing the 5 EU regions with the highest and lowest median ages, as well as the EU value, 2020 data

Source dataset: demo_r_pjanind2


In 2020, most capital regions in the EU recorded relatively young populations – but the outermost French region of Mayotte recorded, by far, the lowest median age (17.7 years). This was followed by another French region, Guyane (26.1 years), and, at a distance, the Spanish region of Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla (34.4 years). 

On the other hand, the highest median age was recorded in Chemnitz in Germany (52.0 years). This was closely followed by the Italian region of Liguria (51.4 years) and another 4 regions in Germany: Sachsen-Anhalt (51.2 years), Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (both 50.5 years) and Thüringen (50.3 years). 

You can hover over the different circles in the visual below to see the median age across the regions of the EU. The blue circles represent regions with a median age below the EU average (43.9 years) and orange circles represent regions with a median age equal to or above the EU average.


Would you like to know more about demography in the different EU regions? 

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