Zurück First residence permits visualised

2 November 2021

© Tashatuvango/Shutterstock.com

In 2020, Poland issued 598 000 of the 2.2 million first residence permits granted in the EU to non-EU citizens (26%). Poland was followed by Germany (313 000, or 14%) and Spain (312 000, or 14%). 

601 200 Ukrainians received first residence permits in the EU countries in 2020, making them the largest citizenship group among all recipients. Poland issued 488 900 of those permits (81%). Citizens of Morocco (123 400 permits, of which 56% were issued in Spain) and India (79 270, of which 14% were issued in Germany) followed. Citizens of these countries accounted for over one-third (36%) of all first residence permits issued in 2020. 

This data can be seen in the data visualisation on ‘First residence permits, 2020’. The visualisation allows you to see the number of permits issued by each EU country, as well as the citizenships of the people who received these permits. 

Click below to view the data on first residence permits granted by your country: 

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