Retour ICT specialists workforce continued to grow in 2021

5 May 2022


In 2021, almost 9 million people in the EU worked as ICT specialists, representing 4.5% of the total EU workforce. The share of ICT specialists has been increasing in the EU over the last decade, rising by 1.3 percentage points (pp) since 2012.

Among the EU Member States, the share of ICT specialists was highest in Sweden (8.0%) and Finland (7.4%). The smallest shares were observed in Romania (2.6%) and Greece (2.8%).

The number of ICT specialists in the EU grew by 50.5 % from 2012 to 2021, almost 8 times as high as the increase (6.3 %) for total employment.

Bar chart: proportion of ICT specialists in total employment, 2021 (%)

Source dataset: isoc_sks_itspt

Highest share of women in ICT in Bulgaria, Romania and Malta

Despite a slight increase over the last decade, women accounted for less than a fifth of ICT specialists (19.1%) in 2021. 
Among the EU Member States, the highest shares of women among employed ICT specialists were observed in Bulgaria (28.2%), Romania (26.0%) and Malta (25.6%), while the smallest shares were observed in Czechia (10.0%), Hungary (14.0%) and Slovakia (14.9%).

Bar chart: distribution of ICT specialists by sex (%, 2021)

Source dataset: isoc_sks_itsps 

For more information:

Methodological notes: 

  • ICT specialists are defined as persons who have the ability to develop, operate and maintain ICT systems and for whom ICTs constitute the main part of their job.
  • ICT specialists’ statistics are derived from Labour Force Survey statistics.
  • In 2021 data, as a consequence of the implementation of the new regulation on Integrated European Social Statistics, definitions differ in Spain and in France: see the source data (Labour Force survey) metadata for more details. In addition, all variables are flagged as ‘break in series’. 

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