Retour EU energy consumption plummeted in 2020

21 December 2021

© Romolo Tavani/

In 2020, primary energy consumption in the EU dropped sharply to 1 236 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe), which is 5.8% better than the efficiency target for 2020, thus clearly outperforming it. Yet, this is still 9.6% away from the 2030 target, implying that efforts to improve efficiency need to be maintained in the years to come. Final energy consumption reached 907 Mtoe: 5.4% better than the efficiency target for 2020 and 7.2% away from the 2030 target. 

This information comes from data on energy statistics published by Eurostat today. The article presents a handful of findings from the more detailed Statistics Explained article

Primary energy consumption in the EU, distance to 2020 and 2030 targets

Source dataset: nrg_ind_eff

EU energy consumption in 2020 reached the lowest levels since 1990 (the first year for which data are available), which is largely explained by the effects of the pandemic. It peaked in 2006 when primary energy consumption was 15.1% above the 2020 target and final energy consumption was 9.0% above the 2020 target.

Final energy consumption EU, distance 2020 and 2030 targets

Source dataset: nrg_ind_eff

Compared with the 2017-2019 average, primary energy consumption decreased by 9.9% at the EU level and final energy consumption by 8.4%. A significant part of this sharp drop is due to COVID-19 related restrictions. 

Primary and final energy consumption drop in all Member States 

When comparing with the 2017-2019 average, primary energy consumption decreased in all EU Member States. The highest decreases were recorded in Estonia (-21.2%), followed by Spain (-14.8%) and Cyprus (-13.4%), while Lithuania (-0.7%), Hungary (-2.5%) and Romania (-4.5%) registered the smallest reductions. 

2020 energy consumption compared 2017-2019 average: primary and final

Source dataset: nrg_ind_eff

The same general drop was also registered in the final energy consumption compared with the 2017-2019 average. The highest drops were registered in Malta (-17.4%), Cyprus (-15.9%) and Spain (-14.2%) and the smallest in Romania (-0.3%), Hungary (-2.9%) and Sweden (-2.9%). 

For more information: 

  • Eurostat Statistics Explained article on energy efficiency
  • Eurostat database on energy
  • Eurostat dedicated section on energy
  • DG Energy dedicated website on energy efficiency
  • Primary energy consumption measures total domestic energy demand, while final energy consumption refers to what end users actually consume. The difference relates mainly to what the energy sector needs itself and to transformation and distribution losses.
  • The EU has an energy efficiency target of reducing energy consumption by 20% by 2020. The primary energy consumption should amount to no more than 1 312 Mtoe and final energy consumption to no more than 959 Mtoe in 2020.
  • The EU energy efficiency target for 2030 aims at a primary energy consumption of no more than 1 128 Mtoe and a final energy consumption of no more than 846 Mtoe.

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