DS NUTS > Overview > EN > REVAMP

To reference countries’ regions for statistical purposes, the EU has developed a classification known as NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics).

NUTS divides each EU country into 3 levels:

  • NUTS 1: major socio-economic regions
  • NUTS 2: basic regions (for regional policies)
  • NUTS 3: small regions (for specific diagnoses)

The   NUTS 2024 classification is valid from 1 January 2024. It lists 92 regions at NUTS 1, 244 regions at NUTS 2 and 1 165 regions at NUTS 3 level.

NUTS is used for:

This visual illustrates the NUTS hierarchical system. It consists of four small maps. The first one shows the EU at NUTS level 0. The second one shows NUTS level 1 regions in Germany, focusing on the region with a code DE2. The third map shows NUTS level 2 regions, focusing on the regions DE27. The fourth map shows NUTS level 3 regions, focusing on DE27C.

Further reading