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The European Commission
Employment and social affairs


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Benchmarking employment policies for people with disabilities
available in PDF format in EN
Summary DE - EN - FR
Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the regions (Towards a Barrier Free Europe for People with Disabilities) COM(2000)284final
available in PDF format in DA / DE / EL / EN / ES / FI / FR / IT / NL / PT / SV
European Day of Disabled People 1999
available in PDF format in EN / DE / FR
Compendium: Good practice in employment of people with disabilities
chapt 1 - EN DEFR
chapt 2 - ENDEFR
chapt 3 - ENDEFR
chapt 4 - ENDEFR
chapt 5 - ENDEFR
Mainstreaming Disability within EU Employment and Social Policy
A DG EMPL services working paper
Employment and People with Disabilities
Report of the special meeting of the High Level Group on Disability

available in PDF format in DE / EN / FR
Compendium on Member States' Policies on Equality of Opportunity for People with Disabilities
available in PDF format in DA / DE / EL / EN / ES / FI / FR / IT / NL / PT / SV
Raising Employment Levels of People with Disabilities - The Common Challange
Commission Staff Working Paper SEC(1998) 1550
PDF document (81 kB)
Communication of the commission on equality of opportunity for people with disabilities
A New European Community Disability Strategy

available in PDF format in ES / DA / IT / NL / PT / FI / SV
The ADAPT and EMPLOYMENT Community Initiatives Innovations n°3
The ability to work: employers, employment and people with disabilities, September 1998
Special Report: Employment - Horizon, 1997
Combating exclusion from the world of work, April 98
Guide for tourists with disabilities
Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation .
Council Decision of 27 November 2000 establishing a Community action programme to combat discrimination (2001 to 2006)
Grants and loans from the European Union
Call for proposals for the provision of support for transnational actions
aimed at combating discrimination against elderly and/or disabled people (VP/1999/002)

also available in PDF format in DA / EL / ES / FI / IT / NL / PT / SV

Criteria and conditions for submittingan application under call for proposals VP/1999/002
available in PDF format in DA / DE / EL / EN / ES / FI / FR / IT / NL / PT / SV

Application form
available in PDF format in DE / EL / EN / ES / FR / IT / NL / PT

Application form guide
available in PDF format in DA / DE / EL / EN / ES / FI / FR / IT / NL / PT / SV

Call for proposals for the provision of support for representative European Co-Ordination Organisations
active in the field of Equal Opportunities for Disabled People

1999 application form for a grant (PDF format - 59kB)
Should you wish to fill in this application form electronically, a MS Word document can be forwarded to you by email. Simply send an email to the following address:

Guide to the 1999 grant application form
