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Directorate general for Employment and social affairs


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Guide to the 1999 grant application form

Please read carefully the text of the call for proposals before completing the present form. The conditions set out in the text of the call are not repeated here, nor in the form.

Supporting documents to be annexed to the request of subsidy

Organisations submitting applications are requested to include in triplicate the following supporting documentation:

1) Official cover letter of request of subsidy quoting the reference VP/1999/001;
2) Annex A, duly completed, dated and signed with filled and signed ID bank form;
3) Official statute and certificate of legal registration and recent proof of existence (for instance bank statement, press release, official social security document, etc.)
4) The global financial statement for 1998, indicating all the expenses and sources of income, including those relating directly to the activities (if this statement is not available at the time of submission of the application, a provisional statement would be accepted);
5) A CV of the person who will be in charge of the overall management of the co-ordination work programme;
6) An organisation chart and a description of the tasks of staff involved in the work programme;
7) Description activity sheets;
8) A report of European co-ordination activities organised in 1998, if applicable;
9) The latest issues of publications by the organisation;
10) Letter(s) of commitment proving the co-financing of at least 30% of the budget for 1999, including own contribution of the applicant if applicable.

Where feasible, the applicant's attention is drawn to the fact that the European Commission would welcome, along with the application obligatory posted by 25 March at the latest, the Annex A also e-mailed at the following e-mail address:

Financial Conditions

Grants are given on a strictly annual basis. Your co-ordination activities for 1999 are to start on 1 April 1999 at the earliest and by 31 December 1999 at the latest.

The maximum budget made available under this Call is EURO 1.300.000. The financial contribution will not exceed 70% of the total costs including the counter value of contribution in kind, if any. The maximum amount of each subsidy will be EURO 100.000.

If the expenditure is lower than estimated, the Commission contribution will be reduced accordingly. In the event of higher costs, the contribution cannot be increased. It is therefore in the applicant's interest to submit a realistic estimate of expenses.

However, applicant's attention is drawn in particular to the following provisions:

Only contributions in kind which do not exceed 10% of the total expenditure and are limited to costs incurred related to rent of premises or stationary costs will be accepted. Proof of their occurrence is required. Voluntary work will not be accepted as contribution in kind.

The partial or total withholding by an applicant of any kind of information that may have an impact on the final decision of the Commission will entail the automatic ineligibility of the applicant's application or, if discovered at a later stage, will entitle the Commission to unilaterally terminate the grant agreement in addition to demanding the full repayment of all sums received by the beneficiary under the said grant agreement.

Eligible Direct Expenses

The co-ordination activities budget for 1999 must be presented in EURO and must be balanced.

All expenses indicated in the form must be entered into the organisation's accounts, and be identifiable and verifiable. Only expenses actually incurred, based on payments actually made, can be declared in the final annual financial statement to be submitted by the date as indicated in your contract.

The applicants should annex to the form the details of the calculation method used for all budget headings with an amount higher than 1.500 EURO, following the indications given hereafter.

The following overheads can be included, providing they are reasonable and essential to the good operation of the organisation and part of the normal activities provided for in the programme of activities:

Part 1: contributions in kind

Only contributions in kind which do not exceed 10% of the total expenditure and are limited to costs incurred related to rent of premises or stationary costs will be accepted. Proof of their occurrence is required.

Part 2: personnel costs

the costs of personnel paid by the organisation submitting the grant application will be based on gross real emoluments or salaries plus social charges and other costs included in the remuneration, to the exclusion of all other expenses.

These emoluments or salaries will be in conformity with the good practice in the Member State concerned. Please do not forget to attach an organisation chart and the description of the tasks of staff involved in the co-ordination activities as well as the CV of the person in charge with the overall management.

The fees must be calculated according to the number of persons/number of days/daily rate applied, and should be based on a maximum total of 220 working days per annum (20 days per month).

Part 3: Travel and subsistence expenses

Full details must be given of the journeys to be made: destinations, number of journeys, means of transport to be used and number of persons. Travel expenses must not under any circumstances exceed the quotas applied to the Commission's own departments (annex enclosed).

For information:

  • rail: first class
  • air: only for journeys over 500km, economy class fare (maximum)
  • car: on the basis of the first-class rail fare

As to the subsistence costs, the maximum daily allowance is as follows:




























United Kingdom




Part 4: Different services

Publications and information: these costs may include the costs of the organisation's regular publications and information activities, insofar as these are not included under another budget heading.

Please give, for each publication, an estimate of the number of pages and planned circulation, the frequency, an indication of the production costs per copy, any translation expenses, as well as an estimate of the distribution costs.

If publications are to be sold, please indicate this in the form.

Interpreting and translation costs: details of translation costs must include the language translated, the number of pages, the rate applied per page. Interpretation costs must specify the number of persons/number of days/daily rates.

Subcontracting costs: Please indicate the precise name of address of any sub-contractor, the precise nature of the tasks that will be entrusted to that person/organisation and the amount and the method of calculation (fully detailed estimate)

Part 5: Administrative costs

Rental and associated costs: the cost of rental or depreciation of the building are calculated based on the principles, rules and accounting methods in effect at the beneficiary organisation.

Equipment: where fixed assets are purchased, only the annual depreciation can be taken into account.

Part 6: Contingency reserve

These costs cannot exceed more than 5% of the direct eligible costs.

Indirect Eligible Expenses

Indirect costs are general costs/expenses directly generated by the carrying out of the co-ordination work programme and indispensable to the work programme, up to a maximum of 7% of the total direct Costs (Chapter I). Under this general heading the following could be covered, for example: running costs such as: stationery, photocopying, telephone calls, heating, electricity etc.

Organisations successfully selected under this Call will not be allowed to include such costs in further applications to be submitted to other Commission' services. Once the final selection is complete, a list of successful applicants will be made available to all Commission' services in this regard.

Ineligible Expenses

The following are excluded:

  • expenses incurred by a third party, and not reimbursed by the beneficiary organisation;
  • provisions for exchange losses risks;
  • indirect eligible expenses which exceed more than 7% of total direct eligible costs;
  • expenses in kind which exceed more than 10% of the total eligible expenses;
  • the cost of purchasing infrastructure equipment (except up to the amount of the annual depreciation of the equipment purchased);
  • expenses not related to the operation and the normal activities of the organisation;
  • debts, interest owed, doubtful debts;
  • expenditure which is manifestly pointless or excessive;
  • expenditure occurred outwith the contractual period.

Retention of Accounting Documents

If the application is accepted, the person responsible for the organisation will be required to make a signed commitment, to furnish proof of the correct use of the grant, and to enable the Commission and/or the European Court of Auditors to verify the organisation's accounting documents, if they deem this appropriate. To this end, documentation justifying items of expenditure must be retained by the beneficiary for five years following final payment by the Commission.

Specific Mention of Community Support Required

Beneficiaries are required to mention clearly the fact that they have received funding from the European Union in any publication, or on the occasion of activities, for which the grant is used, using the following wording:

"With support from the European Community - Actions in favour of Equality of Opportunity for People with Disabilities."

"The information contained in this publication does not necessarily reflect the position or opinion of the European Commission.
