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Directorate general for Employment and social affairs


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Call for proposals for the provision of support for transnational actions
aimed at combating discrimination against elderly and/or disabled people

In its Social Action Programme (1998-2000), the Commission announced its intention of launching a wide-ranging debate on the application of Article 13 of the EU Treaty, as amended by the Treaty of Amsterdam, and on the proposal for Community legislation and the possibility of a framework programme to combat all forms of discrimination.

The budget lines which refer to Article 13 and under which future Community action to combat discrimination can be prepared are B3-4111 and B3-2006.

The Commission attaches great importance to the coherent and complementary nature of these two budget lines, each of which can, in its own field, contribute to fostering a horizontal approach to combating discrimination in compliance with Article 13.

In order to implement these two budget lines, the Commission will publish several calls for proposals, which will all provide support for activities making a significant contribution to preparing future Community action based on such a horizontal approach.

Budget line B3-4111 enables the European Commission to implement measures to provide support for actions carried out by non-profit associations, organisations or networks involved in combating discrimination against the elderly and/or people with disabilities.

Projects should help prepare these disadvantaged groups for the new Community approach through actions aimed at encouraging wider partnerships, improving knowledge, exchanging information and good practices, promoting innovative approaches, and improving the understanding and measurement of problems related to discrimination based on disability and/or age. Projects concerning just one of these groups, or both, will be eligible.

Financial assistance under this Call may be provided for transnational activities which are of Community interest and which contribute significantly to the further development and implementation of Community policy relating to the fight against discrimination of elderly and/or disabled people.

The maximum budget made available under this Call is EURO 2.300.000. On the basis of an average Community subsidy of around 80.000 EURO (this is in line with average grants provided under previous budget lines in favour of people with disabilities and older people) roughly 30 projects are likely to be supported. The total cost of any proposed action should not be less than 50.000 EURO and the Community financial contribution will not exceed 70% of the total costs including the counter value of contributions in kind, if any.

When proposals are examined, the beneficiaries will be selected on the basis of the following criteria:

  • the degree to which the activities foreseen contribute to an improvement in the understanding and measurement of problems related to discrimination of elderly and/or disabled people;
  • the degree to which the proposal favours an innovative horizontal approach to discrimination issues (e.g. actions which could generate useful lessons on issues, processes and/or strategies potentially applicable to combating discrimination based on other grounds which promote co-operation between actors working in different areas of anti-discrimination);
  • the degree to which the activities foreseen promote full citizenship, participation and equal opportunities for both target groups;
  • the involvement of elderly and/or disabled people in the planning, execution and follow-up of the work programme;
  • the quality of the partnership and degree of co-operation with regard to: planning and management of activities, carrying out of activities, regular exchange of information and financial participation;
  • the degree to which the proposal demonstrates clear added-value at European level;
  • a sound cost-efficiency ratio;
  • the degree of financial feasibility of the proposed activities assessed through the provision of a realistic, reasonable and balanced budget;
  • the degree to which the proposal includes arrangements for broad dissemination of results and the promotion of Community visibility.

In addition, with regard to proposals concerning combating discrimination based on age, preference will be given to proposals which:

  • develop the theme of the U.N. International Year "Towards a society for all ages", including the promotion of inter-generational solidarity, the situation of older people on the labour market and their role in society.

Actions eligible under other Community Programmes such as the Structural Funds or Initiatives will not be considered.

Proposals already covered by an outstanding conditional contract under budget lines B3-4103 (social exclusion) and B3-4104 (older people) are not eligible for resubmission under this call.

Community financing can only be used for transnational activities to improve knowledge, exchange good practice, promote innovative approaches and evaluate experiences. Activities which consist of direct action to combat discrimination at national, regional or local level are NOT eligible.

The procedure for the appraisal of a request is as follows:

  • receipt and recording by the Commission;
  • examination by the services of the Commission;
  • adoption of the final decision and communication of the result to the applicant.

The decision of the Commission is final. The entire procedure is strictly confidential. In the event of approval by the Commission, a single agreement covering all the activities to be cofinanced (expressed in EURO) will be concluded between the Commission and the party submitting the proposal.

The information dossier relating to this Call which contains more detailed information concerning the eligibility of organisations and the procedures which must be followed in making applications may be obtained by applying in writing to the following fax number:

European Commission
Directorate-General for Employment: Industrial Relations and Social Affairs,
DG V.E.4
Call for proposals VP/1999/002

Proposals must be posted by 28 May 1999 at the latest. Proposals postmarked after this date will NOT be considered.
