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Study on the impact of EPALE in its first two years of operation and its potential future impact

Study on the impact of EPALE in its first two years of operation and its potential future impact

The Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) is an online portal for professionals working within the adult learning sector across Europe. The portal makes it easier for teachers, trainers, researchers, academics and policy-makers to share knowledge and good practices. It also supports the building of a trans-national community of adult educators in Europe.  This study evaluates the impact and added-value of the platform during its first two years of operation (January 2015 - December 2016) and makes recommendations for enhancing its impact in the future.


Download the full study below or read the executive summary available in English, French and German

Catalog N. : KE-04-18-206-EN-N

Dostępne w  EU Publications

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