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Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2017

Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2017

This seventh edition of the annual Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) Review presents a detailed analysis of key employment and social issues and concerns for the European Union and its Member States as they pursue the EU 2020 employment and social goals.

It feeds into the European Semester and the 2017 flagship initiative of the European Pillar of Social Rights. The main findings of ESDE 2017 corroborate the rationale and the objectives of follow-up initiatives of the Pillar, such as the proposal for a ‘New Start Initiative to support work-life balance for parents and carers’ and the social partner consultations on Access to Social Protection and the revision of the ‘Written Statement Directive’.

As in previous years, the opening section of the ESDE review provides an overview of the most recent developments, trends and challenges in the employment and social fields. This year's edition focuses on the topic of "intergenerational fairness and solidarity in Europe".

Catalog N. : KE-BD-17-001-EN-N

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