Užimtumas, socialiniai reikalai ir įtrauktis

Social Agenda 52 - The 2027 perspective

Social Agenda 52 - The 2027 perspective

Coming out on the 30th anniversary of EU cohesion policy, the July issue of Social Agenda highlights the European Commission’s renewed emphasis on upwards social convergence between EU countries and citizens.

This is evident in two key proposals: For the 2021-2027 EU Multiannual Financial Framework; and for the country-specific recommendations to be made at the end of the 2018 European Semester cycle of economic policy coordination.

You will also find the latest developments on the posting of workers, predictability of working conditions, access to social protection for all workers and the self-employed people, as well as on pension adequacy.

With pension adequacy, the perspective goes well beyond 2027, right through to 2070!

Catalog N. : KE-AF-18-052-EN-N

Yra svetainėje  EU Publications

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