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Policy Brief on Sustaining Self-employment - Entrepreneurial Activities in Europe

Policy Brief on Sustaining Self-employment - Entrepreneurial Activities in Europe

This policy brief was produced by the OECD and the European Commission on sustaining entrepreneurship activities by entrepreneurs in under-represented and disadvantaged groups. It provides evidence on business survival for entrepreneurs from groups that are under-represented or disadvantaged in the labour market and discusses the obstacles that reduce the chances of survival for these businesses. Policy makers can take action to increase the chances of survival for these businesses, including providing training to boost business management skills, providing coaching and mentoring, facilitating access to finance and provide business development services.
This policy brief is part of a series of documents produced by the OECD and the European Commission on inclusive entrepreneurship. The series includes policy briefs on youth entrepreneurship, senior entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, evaluation of inclusive entrepreneurship programmes, access to business start-up finance for inclusive entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship by the disabled as a well as a report on ‘The Missing Entrepreneurs’. All these documents are available in English, French and German. They are available at http://www.oecd.org/cfe/leed/inclusive-entrepreneurship.htm

Catalog N. : KE-BE-14-002-EN-N

Yra svetainėje  EU Publications

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