Απασχόληση, κοινωνικές υποθέσεις και κοινωνική ένταξη

Μικροχρηματοδότηση και χρηματοδότηση κοινωνικών επιχειρήσεων - Σχετικά βίντεο

Διάρκεια :03:06 / Ημερομηνία: Sep 2016

EU supports people who want to become self-employed or set up/develop a microenterprise (fewer than ten employees), particularly a social enterprise or are unemployed by increasing availability of microcredit – loans below € 25 000. This support is implemented through EaSI programme that enables selected microcredit providers in the EU to increase lending. There’s a high potential demand for microcredit in the EU. This video was produced in 3 locations (Ireland, France and Romania). Microcredit beneficiaries tell their own stories, where they come from and how microfinance changed their lives.

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