In November 2022, among the EU Member States for which data are available, Poland granted the highest number of temporary protection statuses to Ukrainians fleeing Ukraine (40 370) as a consequence of Russia’s invasion. Poland was followed by Germany (36 385), Romania (10 745) and France (8 835).

Compared with October 2022, the number of Ukrainians receiving temporary protection fell in 20 of the 26 EU Member States with available data. The largest decreases were observed in Poland (-14 150 compared with October 2022), followed by Bulgaria (-4 420), Ireland (-2 005) and Germany (-1 210). Meanwhile, the most significant increases were recorded in France (+5 505), Romania (+2 320).

On 30 November 2022, and among the EU countries for which data are available, Poland reported the highest number of Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection with a total of 939 865, followed by Germany (901 930 Ukrainian beneficiaries), Spain (153 760) and Bulgaria (144 315). Compared with October, this month saw a decrease in Ukrainian beneficiaries of temporary protection in Poland due to the deregistration of their temporary protection statuses. A similar decrease was already registered in October compared with September. 

Data presented in this article refer to the grants of temporary protection based on the Council Implementing Decision 2022/382 of 4 March 2022, establishing the existence of a mass influx of displaced persons from Ukraine due to Russia’s invasion, and having the effect of introducing temporary protection.

GIF of maps: Ukranians granted temporary protection in the EU from March till November 2022, in absolute values and by ratio per 1000 people

Source datasets: migr_asytpfm and demo_gind


Compared with the population of each Member State, the highest ratios of Ukrainian citizens granted temporary protection in November 2022 per thousand inhabitants were recorded in Estonia (1.4 granted temporary protection per thousand inhabitants) and Poland (1.1).

29% of Ukrainians seeking protection in Germany were children

Germany granted the highest number of temporary protections for Ukrainian children (persons under 18 years old) with a total of 10 495 (representing 29% of Ukrainians granted protection in Germany in November 2022), followed by Poland (9 105, 23%), Romania (3 450, 32%) and Italy (2 210, 29%).

Notably, in all countries for which November 2022 data are available, children below the age of 14 represented between 69% to 100% of all children granted temporary protection. 

Predominantly female Ukrainians seek protection in the EU Member States 

In the EU Member States for which data are available, the majority of Ukrainians granted temporary protection were females, including girls.

The largest numbers of females who received temporary protection were reported by Poland (25 895, representing 64% of Ukrainians granted protection in Poland in November), Germany (20 855, 57%), Romania (6 030, 56%),  France (6 015, 68%) and Italy (5 270, 69%).

The largest numbers of males (including boys) who received temporary protection were reported by Germany (15 475, representing 43% of Ukrainians granted protection in Germany in November), Poland (14 480, 36%) Romania (4 720, 44%), France (2 820, 32%) and Spain (2 350, 46%).

For more information


Methodological notes:

  • Czechia: data not available for April-November 2022. Germany: data not available for March-July 2022. Iceland: data not available for November 2022. This is because the data collection is carried out on a voluntary basis, so the completeness of the data may vary.
  • Temporary protection is a procedure provided only in the event of a mass influx or imminent mass influx of displaced persons from third countries who are unable to return to their country of origin. These people are granted immediate and temporary protection, in particular if there is also a risk that the asylum system will be unable to process the influx without adverse effects for its efficient operation, in the interests of the persons concerned and other persons requesting protection.
  • Data presented in this article refer to the grants of temporary protection and not to the registrations for temporary protection, which may precede the process of granting the status. Therefore, the data may not present all persons fleeing Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and who have registered but not yet formally received temporary protection.

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