Back Interactive publication on energy: 2022 edition

5 May 2022

© Kletr/

Where does our energy come from? How dependent are we on energy imports? Which kind of energy do we consume in the EU and how much does it cost? Are we efficient in the consumption of energy? How much greenhouse gas do we emit in the EU?

Answers to these questions and to many more can be found in the updated 2022 edition of Eurostat's interactive publication Shedding light on energy in the EU.

This interactive publication presents information about the energy sector in a user-friendly way and features short texts and dynamic infographics.


Screenshot: Shedding light on energy in the EU publication

Compared with previous editions, the publication has been restyled and now offers a full range of interactive visualisation tools to explore selected indicators on the energy and environment sector in an easy way. In addition, you can now read the publication in any one of the 24 official EU languages. 

This edition wraps up and puts together all the main indicators released for 2020 and the latest gas and electricity prices for the 2nd half of 2021. 

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